A downloadable Solo RPG

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The foretelling of Doomsday has come to pass. All that remains are fading memories. The lingering shadowed lands will soon also cease to be. You find yourself amidst the crumbling reality without a past, but not without hope. Caught between the World that Was and the Stars that Remain.


Nihilation is a solo roleplaying game about what happens after Doomsday. Set in a world undone by the apocalypse, you take on the role of a someone trapped in a place that's between existence and oblivion. The game is inherently bleak and dangerous, but you have a chance to shape and save the world.


You will explore The World that Was, a fading figment of the old world left warped and ruined by Doomsday. Across its baneful terrain you will discover long lost memorabilia, remnants of society, forgotten memories, and a path towards Salvation. But beware, there are forces at work that would see you fail. Dreadful Foes on the side of entropy seek to quicken the coming of the Final End.


The game uses 10 player-facing actions to explore the map, search for trinkets, opposes hostile foes, traverse the land, restore lost memories, confront risks, trade for assistance, delve into living memories, evade danger, and get answers. You will be filling out a hex map as you explore new regions. This is also where you will be tracking your character's movement, deaths, any Doom Signs you find, as well as the location of your foes.


The game features:

  • 2d6 action system powering the entire game.
  • 10 player-facing actions that drive your progress towards an ultimate goal.
  • Drawing a hex map as you explore more of the doomed world.
  • 11 unique types of terrain to discover.
  • Taking permanent damage by tearing off parts of your character sheet.
  • A world that warps and changes each time you die.
  • Evocative prompts for creating memories and scenarios.
  • 18 weird rule-bending foes to oppose.

Include with the game are a number of free optional add-ons to enhance or alter your experience.

ADD-ON #1 (released)


Your actions have not gone unnoticed. Each step you get towards Salvation draws more eyes to you. The Descry heralds the entropic forces against you. As you get closer to your ultimate goal, the world becomes more challenging.

Use this if you want a more difficult game.

ADD-ON #2 (released)


With the knowledge of its forthcoming demise, the World that Was lashes out in a hateful rage, spewing abhorrent memories across the lands. If you can soothe the memories and reach the Whilom, you can stop it from bringing about its own destruction.

WARNING - This add-on deals with subject matter that some may find disturbing.

Use this if you want an alternate/additional objective.

If you reach Salvation, please share your map and doomsday book on social media with #nihilation

Nihilation was created for the Firelights Jam 2023 and is based on Firelights by René-Pierm.

Updated 26 days ago
CategoryPhysical game
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(27 total ratings)
AuthorJason Christopher Burrows
GenreRole Playing
TagsAtmospheric, Dark, firelights, Horror, journaling, rules-lite, Solo RPG, Tabletop, Tabletop role-playing game


Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

In order to download this Solo RPG you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Nihilation V1.2 (pages).pdf 37 MB
Nihilation V1.2 (spreads).pdf 39 MB
Nihilation Hex Map.pdf 1.8 MB
Nihilation Character Sheet.pdf 1.5 MB
Nihilation Foe Cards.pdf 7.6 MB
Nihilation Add-on 1 Doom Descry.pdf 98 kB
Nihilation Add-on 2 Whirling Whilom.pdf 457 kB

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If you are unable to afford the game for whatever reason, feel free to take a community copy. If you like the game, please leave a comment, share on social media, and rate it on Itch. If there are no community copies left, send me a message and I will gladly send you one.

More copies will be added based on the following criteria:

  • Every $ spent above the asking price adds a copy
  • Every 5 ratings adds 10 copies

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I played this game on my stream (link below for those interested) and it was generally well-received. I think it's a game that really exemplifies why the indie TTRPG explosion is a beautiful thing. It's so niche and deliberately bleak that it's hard to imagine any publisher every letting it exist on their dime. Yet, it has such substance and creativity to its premise and its mechanics, that the world would have been poorer without it. It is one of those rare games that is committed to a parity between the feel of its mechanics and the experience of its world.

That world is one in the late stages of entropy and so its mechanics are brilliant constructed reflect that decay. I genuinely gasped when I realized that health is tracked by tearing pieces off your actual character sheet--losing whatever memories or features were written on that lost part. It's a game with no healing. It's a game that measures your progress in deaths. It's game that assumes you will play through many characters demises before reaching its conclusion. Put simply, it's a game that tells you to destroy something for real if its analogue was destroyed in the fiction of the game. I think that's a delightful ludonarrative symmetry between mechanics and story that persists into the game's many systems.

The one criticism I can offer is that the game was quite difficult for me to parse/learn/remember at times. I accept this may have just been me either overthinking things or resisting a certain reading of the rules because they were so unusual. However, I did find myself struggling to keep all the potential causalities of any action in mind. For example, when you use an EXPLORE action, that action will have three possible outcomes based on the value you roll. Those value ranges you roll in are listed once early in the book but then euphemistically referred to by words like "Gloom" & "Hope" from then on. So, Hope means you rolled 10 or above on the 2d6.  Then when you open up a new hex on the hex crawl with this action you have to roll 2d6 three more times, then--based on those roles or where this hex was placed--double check if it triggers a doom sign. A doom sign requires three more 2d6 rolls (well, doesn't require, but it's likely you will need it). Then, with the doom sign, you can take a DELVE action--which has three more outcomes, one of which is another action with three more outcomes. None of this is to say anything here is unreasonably complex or unnecessary--especially in the indie TTRPG space. It's just that getting your head around the game can be a bit frustrating at times. If you are a person opposed to this style of spiderwebbing, "if, then" mechanics, then this game is probably not going to vibe with you. You'll likely be more frustrated than immersed.

For me, however, it was well worth the learning curve because as much as I enjoy a rules-lite prompt-based games, I can find two dozen of those for every indie TTRPG with crunchy, creative, and meaningful mechanics tied to the game's immersion. Where this game sometimes abrades with its complexity, it more than makes up for with how impactful those complex rules become as they coalesce into an overall experience. In other words, it's a game that works in the gestalt despite its sometimes fiddly details. I recommend it if this sounds like your niche. After all, strange & complex is where indie TTRPG's really set themselves apart.  


Thank you so much for this comment and playing the game on your stream, it made my week! I enjoyed seeing the story you could tell with the game and I really appreciate your honest feedback. I hope you play again and can reach Salvation!

I hope so too! I enjoy it's dark psychedelia.

Hello, love the idea of the game and would love to try it out, any community copies coming soon? Thank you!

I have added a few more copies. Enjoy!

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I have just added some more!

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I haven't got all the way through this but I can tell it's really good with lots of original ideas and flavour. Do you have any plans to have it printed?


Thanks for the kind words, Alfred.

I do not have any plans for a print run at the moment, although I am open to the idea in the future. Right now I am focusing on updating the game and supporting it with some free optional add-ons.